You can read about Chelsea Clinton coming to LVC Here:
Anyway, seeing as LVC is located in the metropolis of Annville, two elderly people (a couple perhaps?) decided to "protest" the stances Hilary Clinton takes on some issues, specifically gay and lesbian marriage and abortion-issues that have beaten to a pulp into the ground. UGH! I've just been informed that they are "The Jarbos." Thanks Molly! So, continuing on with my story, these protesters are obviously Christians, as evident by the tracks they handed to me and Tony- "Who is Jesus?" and "10 Questions." I suppose that handing out tracks can sometimes be effective, but more about that later.

But what really confused me was that these Jarbos also had signs that read "Hilary is Pro-Homos and Pro-Abortion" as well as something to the affect of "Your sins will be revealed." Christians? Let's get back to basics here people: As Christians, we are to reveal the truth and love of Jesus Christ with just that LOVE! And now I must ask this question: How effective were their condemning signs? Do they really think that by holding fluorescent signs they are going to win people for Christ?
I'm a Christian, and the way I witness to people is to honestly get to know them, see what they believe, what they're all about, then I tell them about myself-all the while respecting that they might think my beliefs are bunk. I know, not everyone believes what I do. Even if they don't, I'm not going to get in their face and tell them they're going to Hell-cause really, is that going to help? NO! I will present the truth with kindness, love and gentleness, no violence-insinuating flurorescent signs necessary. These people give Christianity a bad name- that we're crazy, rioting, argumentative, rude, and pushy people. No- that's not true, I mean, it's not supposed to be. So, this is just one of the ways that people give Christianity a bad name...and that kinda ticks me off!
I very much appreciated your blog... it was informative and exciting. I think that the Jarbos are crazy people and that they should spend their time worrying about other things. If they were to say organize a food drive or support for aids orphans in Africa, i think that they would get a much better response. I believe that people like that need to focus on other things.
M (not T)
so that last comment was actually from matt- not me. apparently i wasn't signed out of my blog when he used my computer to take a look at my blog-sorry about that matt!
I agree.
it was a little intense to see the two people out there... I agree that Hil isn't the greatest person but those signs are a little much. I'm a conservative but everyone sins, not just Hil. It just seemed a little over the top
plus, i agree with "M" that they could be doing many better things for people then that
I entirely agree with you about the Jarboe's. They profess to be Christians and whenever some remotely controversial activity happens on campus they will no doubt be here. I, not a traditional Christian, believe quite frankly scare people away. I worry that on a campus where intolerance is quite appearent (random hate messages in bathrooms condemning gays) these "Christian" people are making things worse--they're furthering hate and that's not Christ-like at all.
By the way, Chelsea rocked! :)
Very nice post. I agree with you. The main idea of Christ's teaching is unconditional love. Threats don't fall into that category at all.
It was a similar, but more populated scene at the movie showing of For The Bible Tells Me So. A man told me that for supporting gays and lesbians, I was most certainly going to burn in hell.
Keep up the good work, Kristen!
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