At a Catholic school, there was a small sign by a pile of apples in the cafeteria. The sign read, "Please take only one apple-God is watching." Some totally funny kid put a sign up farther down the lunch line by the pile of chocolate chip cookies. His sign read, "Go ahead, take as many cookies as you want-God is watching the apples."
A Sunday School teacher asked her students if there was any sort of rule regarding how kids should treat their parents. A little girl replied, "Yes, honor thy mother and father." Later, the teacher asked the kids if there were any rules about how siblings should treat one another. A little boy said, "Yeah, thou shalt not kill."

In school a teacher was teaching her elementary students about whales. The teacher explained that it was physically impossible for whales to swallow people, so they really shouldn't scare the kids. One student raised his hand and said, "Jonah was swallowed by a whale." NO, that couldn't have happened, it's not possible," the teacher responded. Thinking about this for a second, the student said, "Well, when I get to heaven, I'll ask Jonah how it happened." The teacher, playing devil's advocate, asked the student, "What if Jonah didn't go to heaven?" His response- "Then you ask him." classic!
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