Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To Print or Not to Print-that is the ?

Yesterday in Intro to Mass Communications (with the world famous Bob Vucic), Bob brought in some disturbing and offending pictures taken by Photographers of the Patriot News. He asked us that if we (the students) were the editor, would we print these photos on the front page. The pictures included photos of a man shooting himself at a press confrence, a really bizarre picture of a little girl holding a bloody deer leg during deer season, and a picture of an innocent 15-year-old boy that was shot in school over a drug issue. So, would I print these pictures? Right away I knew I was outnumbered. My answer is NO.

Being a Christian, thoughts of God permeate every area of my life-not just some. Somehow, I just knew that God would not want these pictures published. God wants us to dwell on things that are holy, pure, and uplifting. Some things are just not positive, be it music, pictures, movies, books, language, etc. When these things, images in this case, get stuck in your brain, you can't stop thinking about these things- a dangerous place to be in if you ask me. A place that pulls you away from God.

Alot of the students argued that the picture made the story, but I don't think so. If it's an awesome story, the article and headline will speak for itself. Back in the good ol' days they didn't have pictures in newspapers, and guess what-people still bought and read newspapers. Also, as a Christian, I am not pretending that these horrible things are not going on-I fully hearby acknowledge that total crap is going on in the world. But I don't think we need the photos to prove it. I could go on and on about this issue, and I'm sure Bob would love to keep reading, but this blog is getting long. This is enough for today. SO...not to print-that is the answer.

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