Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 30th

I'll blog about church in tomorrow's blog-maybe. But I have to be honest-something I'm really struggling with right now is patience. Not necessarily patience with the little things like customers at work or waiting for the printer to print after a fake paper jam, more important stuff, bigger stuff. I'm ready to be done with school-NOW. After this semester I'll be half way done. If I could afford it and they offered courses I need, I'd take classes over the summer to get done sooner. But really nothing I need is available at LVC over the summer-I'm into lots of specific classes now for my major. Also, my patience is being tested with my relationship with Jason-I know he'd agree with me. We're both mentally ready to get married but it makes sense to wait a little while so that we don't have tons of my school expenses. But yes, we're both ready for that step and are praying about when is ok to do so. I must admit I was scared to post that because people would freak out-"Woah, she's only 20!" But with all I've been through, I often feel like I'm 30. A lot of people think I'm older than I really am just because of the mature way I act. Besides, Jason is already 23. Anyway, I need patience with school, which often feels more like a hinderance because I could just be out in the real world working and already making money, as well as get married to Jason. I know not many people aspire for this job, but I always thought I'd like to be a secretary. I'd thrive in that organized environment! I wasn't ever sure I wanted to go to college-but here I am, I refuse to waste the money and quit. As a Christian, I often wonder, am I doing my own thing or is this what God wants me to be doing...??

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