Thursday, April 24, 2008

Arguing With Muslims

Recently in my Religion in America class, we read an article by William H. Willimon titled "Arguing with Muslims." The article is taken from Christian Century Magazine from November 16,2004. Anyway, Willimon argues in this article that the way the Bible portrays God and the way that the Qu'ran portray God are so drastically different that it is clear that Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God, contrary to some popular belief. He adds, "We should not sugarcoat differences with Islam. The God Muslims worship is different fom the one Jesus called "Father." I agree.
Here are some other quotes I found interesting from his article:
"I defy anyone to attempt to read through a translation of the Qu'ran, the holy book of Muslims, and come away saying, 'Well, Jesus and Muhammad are headed in the same direction.' Muhammad routinely says things thta just would not fit into the mouth of Jesus."

"Muhammad was a sort of knight, an astute military man, a government official and a wise teacher who ended his life in serene beatification. Jesus was a teacher who brutally died at the hands of the military, the government, and the religious establishment, refusing to lift a hand in self-defense, and then was raised from the dead."

Willimon has some things to say about American culture that I found insightful as well, but I'll save those things for tomorrow. :)


Anonymous said...

I have night class on Wednesdays, but that's over in 2 weeks, so I'll let you know. I'm working at the college center desk, so I'll be living in a dorm and stuff.

Jesse said...

Now don't give me a heard time, but I think hell is a tad bogus. I mean, come on -what is this sadistic place? IMHO Sounds made up to me.

Jesus was cool but Islam completes the picture. Muhammad added on to the concept of this God of ours, and that's all there is to it.

ps: is there a hell??? was JESUS reall???? where do snails come from