Tuesday, April 8, 2008


A friend of mine just found out that her good friend has cancer. She's so upset and wants to be a good friend without treating him different at the same time. Last night I was looking through my little book called Promises for a Jesus Freak so that I could find a verse that would comfort her. I ended up texting her this:
"For he gives us comfort in all our trials so that we in turn can give the same sort of strong sympathy to others in their trials." 2 Corinthians 1:3/4
She was thankful for this verse because she's trying to grasp why this is happening to her friend. She knows that these things happen for a reason but she doesn't want to hear that right now, understandably. I wanted her to know that God comforts us and helps us through this crap so that we can help others that go through it too. She needs to be strong to help the friend who has the cancer. And who knows, maybe down the road she can help comfort someone else too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good you're there for your friend.
I feel horrible for her :(