Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Yesterday some friends/students and I were talking briefly about Christianity. One of the students said that they didn't want to have to do anything with God because He bosses people around. He felt like it was stupid to be a Christian because you do whatever God tells you to. His equation was like this:

Accept God + Do whatever God wants you to = Go to Heaven after you die.

I suppose you could word it like this, but God doesn't want you to love Him so that He can boss you around. He loves you because He loves you, because He created you! Besides, God's ideas for your life are immeasureably better than your own plans, so why not follow His ways? For example: Turn the other cheek. Yes, turning the other cheek is probably best instead of retaliating beacuse retaliation can have long-lasting negative effects. Just one example.

Someone else said that they didn't like that we talked about Christianity because it made them feel uncomfortable. Oh, I'm so sorry, it's my job to not rock the boat, I forgot (sarcasm). Besides, don't you think your sinful and sexually suggestive remarks make me feel uncomfortable, considering I'm trying to avoid those things? Not to mention that nearly everyone made fun of the fact that some older men were handing out free pocket testaments on campus the other day. But I think that's great. Those people who got a free pocket Testament (which is a compact version of the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) have no reason to say that they didn't know the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes I forget that as a Christian I am a minority. I guess this was a wake-up call.

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