Monday, April 21, 2008


Today I'd just like to say that I'm thankful that God is an understanding God. He knows that I'm often busy with school work and, unfortunately, He gets put on the back burner for a bit. I'm much closer to God during the summertime because I actually have time to read my Bible much more and more time to attend church events and Bible studies. Anyway, God is much more understanding than many professors. It's difficult to get EVERYTHING done for EVERY CLASS. If God was a professor, he'd understand that. Some of my proffs are working on my nerves because they aren't very understanding right now as the semester draws closer to a close. I'm asking God for patience with dealing with these difficult people. I'm also praying for sanity during these next few weeks. UGH! I can't wait till this semester is over.

1 comment:

samm said...

Wait a minute. I think I am as understanding as God. I'm offended.