Thursday, April 3, 2008

My evening off

I really don't see how people can be so busy each night of the week and still be sane. Mondays and Wednesdays I go to Bible Studies and,seriously, that's plenty of busy evenings for me. How do pastors and clergy men stay sane with doing all their church work, so to speak, each night of the week. I think God wants us to have down-time, to relax, refuel, and reflect on things. I'm posting this because tonight is my down-night. And what makes it even better is that Jason didn't have to work today so we can hangout right when I get home. :) I think that if it stays nice outside today, we'll go hiking or something. That's another thing I think God wants us to do-get outside and enjoy his creation.


Nate said...

You're right, everyone needs down time and everyone needs time to get out into nature. Hope you got to enjoy it.

Brittany said...

I agree, it seems like there isn't enough time in the day sometimes. But I hope that you got to enjoy some time outside, it was so nice out last weekend. :)